The cost of living crisis if forcing survivors to stay with their abusers.

A survey from the Charity Refuge states it's front line staff say 77% of survivors are finding it hard to leave their partners, and more than 50% said the cost of living crisis is leading to survivors returning to their abusive partner as they have nowhere else to turn and can't afford to live any other way.

In addition to the impossible choices survivors are being forced to make, perpetrators are also taking advantage of the cost-of-living crisis to increase economic abuse and control. Some perpetrators are restricting food and heating and attempting to gain custody of children on the basis that survivors simply cannot afford to maintain a warm home and enough food.

Children are also having to live with abusers for longer, as their mothers can’t afford to flee. Women and their children are also having to go without the basics, 58% of front line workers said that survivors could not afford enough food for themselves and their children, almost half (49%) said survivors couldn’t afford school uniform and other basics for their children.

National Organisations such as SafeLives, Refuge and Women's Aid are calling for urgent action from Government to ensure Universal Credit, working tax credit and other ‘legacy’ benefits are increased in line with inflation, and for Government to create an Emergency Domestic Abuse Fund that all survivors can access to help with the costs of fleeing an abuser.

These are unprecedented times, and we appreciate and understand that not everyone is able to donate to support others when they are feeling the effects of the crisis themselves.

We welcome support for those who can and would like to donate, so that women and their children can seek safety away from the abuse and enable them to live without fear. If you would like to donate to help support a family with essential items like food, clothing, toiletries, school uniforms etc., you can do so here

Thank you for supporting our refuge 💗